Why to Join Agriculture Courses in India?

Agriculture is a booming field in India and in the context of employment opportunities and education, the significance of agriculture courses has enhanced manifold. Today, the career scope of agriculture education is beyond academia and students who take admission in courses like B.sc Agriculture and M.sc Agriculture, they get an excellent platform to shape theirContinue reading “Why to Join Agriculture Courses in India?”

Career Scope of Library and Information Science in Future

From the ancient age, people are reading, writing, recording their thought and ideas on different platforms. To keep check and maintain these documents, professionals were appointed. These professionals were later termed Librarians and the work of Librarianship then came into existence. From the ancient age to this digital age, the job responsibility of a LibrarianContinue reading “Career Scope of Library and Information Science in Future”

Future Scope and Career Opportunities in Agriculture Courses

The advent of technology and modernization in education are unlocking rewarding career avenues for students. In today’s highly competitive world, especially in the matter of education and career, where there is cutthroat competition in traditional domains like engineering, medical, law, CA, IT, etc.; the same some education sectors are offering promising careers and future.  Yes,Continue reading “Future Scope and Career Opportunities in Agriculture Courses”